
  • Right to be wrong

    Do you have it?
    Do you have the
    Right to be wrong?
    If so
    For how long?

    In the age of information
    When you have all the means and capability
    When you are drowning in it
    When you are molded by it
    Do you still get to say
    “I didn’t know”

    Is being informed obligatory?
    Is calling shots and facing unwanted results
    An act of god?

    Ignorance really comes from inside
    When the eyes wide shut
    An the man can’t think for himself
    No matter what
    He is doomed with his ignorance
    With no rights to defend his actions

  • Fin

    There is no promise
    For a closure
    Even though expected
    Nothing is certain

    We tend to raise our spirits
    Create an imaginary world
    Where everything goes our way
    Where we have the final laugh
    Where we are loved
    Where we are happy

    This is not the case
    Not every ending
    Goes in our favor

    And sometimes there may not be an ending
    The story may just cease to exist

    And even at that moment
    It’s important
    To accept it as it is

  • No time loss

    Slow down
    Sometimes there aren’t any shortcuts
    There aren’t any shortcuts to a good movie
    There aren’t any shortcuts to a valued friendship
    There aren’t any shortcuts to a better you

    There is no time loss
    In the path to

    These take time
    And each second spent
    Is sacred
    Take your time
    You got plenty

  • Sharing is caring

    In a new connection
    We may hold ourselves back
    We want to be protected
    We don’t want to show our cards
    Soft spots, scars, views, beliefs
    Experiences that ended in a catastrophe
    Lessons learned
    Traumas lived

    But here’s the issue
    One puzzle piece connects to another
    Not because one likes the other
    They connect because they fit
    If you, as a puzzle piece
    Do not show yourself
    How come the matching piece will see you?
    How will these two pieces match?
    Stay out there
    Stay visible
    And never be afraid of who you are

  • Time goes

    Time goes by
    And it goes fast
    Whatever your plans or achievements are
    If they rely on a time unit
    You have to do it know
    As the Chinese proverb goes
    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago
    The second best time is now

    Every once in a while
    Take a step back
    And put your time-relying plans on track
    Otherwise you will be left empty handed

    Act fast
    Act now
    Time is here
    And time is now
    And it won’t wait another second

  • Deep down

    Our feelings are a big thick coat that covers our true self
    When we are angry, sad, nervous, scared
    We give an answer, take an action
    From the top layer
    The question or the need doesn’t even come down to us
    It’s automatically answered either to prove a point or to protect us

    Even in time of crisis
    If we can take of this coat
    And embrace the question as a whole with open arms
    Then we will give the most pure answer that will fit our soul

    And at that point it doesn’t matter
    If our answer coming from the deep down
    Is true or false

  • Friends

    1 is less 2 is a lot
    Core friends
    Childhood friends
    Friends from highschool
    Friends from neighborhood
    Thin line that separates
    Friends vs. people you know
    Friends are already people you know
    But people you know aren’t always friends
    In tough times
    In desperate times we tend to overlook this fact
    We want to believe that we are in fact friends
    Even our social connection doesn’t go beyond knowing names

    Don’t go into a self-created delusion
    Acknowledge you are in a tough spot
    And you need a friend
    Don’t try to make a friend out of someone
    Just because you need it

  • New names

    Coffee but not
    No caffeine not collected from high altitude trees
    Full organic lab made
    Not from lamb
    Not from cow
    Sticky something
    400 horsepower
    No engine insight
    No grill no exhaust
    Actually a modded 800 watt dyson vacuum cleaner

    Maybe it’s time
    To create new names
    For new things that uses the names of the earlier inventions
    At the end
    Can you call it an innovation if you can’t even name it?

  • Drop out capitalist

    Earning and buying at a lower class was an achievement
    You could mow lawns or deliver newspapers on your bike
    And within a reasonable amount of time and dedication
    Your earnings would reach to something tangible
    With that money you could have bought
    A brand new walkman at 100 bucks
    Your neighbors clapped out moped for 30 bucks
    A concert ticket for 15 and 3 bucks to watch E.T. on a giant screen

    We just don’t have it anymore
    The shiny capitalist dream has lost it’s glamor
    It’s not part of anyone’s dream now
    We went full circle and came to an halt
    Now living in an era where we pay monthly for a new phone
    Buying a car with years of saving
    Which probably won’t even last a generation of our kin

    Let’s go back
    This is wave that you don’t have to ride
    You can head back to the beach
    Change your swimsuit with dry ones
    And enjoy the life with different givings

  • Test mode

    Being emotional creatures
    We fly from one feeling to another
    Most of the time without smooth transitions
    In the moments of despair, anger, guilt
    It gets tougher to control yourself
    Because these spark up fast

    A solution maybe a suggestion
    In IT world before something goes live
    There are tons of testing
    User acceptance testing
    Business simulation testing
    Quality approval testing
    And the list goes on

    In these testing areas
    As a duty, the operator goes wild with the tests
    Goes above and beyond of healthy scenarios
    Because you can never  predict all possibilities
    That’s why we go monkey and slap all buttons at the same time
    To see if the machine or software will go crazy
    But we know by heart that this is test environment
    Which means nothing is real
    It’s all a big delusion
    And everything will be alright once the session ends

    This is what we need
    A switch button for test mode
    We know it’s real life so you may say
    Isn’t this declining the real life facts and happenings?
    Which obviously not healthy at all
    At least in a well functioning society

    Test mode is here to delay
    Your immediate, impulsive and unhealthy responses
    When someone starts pushing your buttons
    Get into testing mode
    Since that person is obviously slapping every button going wild
    Why not see it from a perspective where their approach
    Have no power over you