Test mode

Being emotional creatures
We fly from one feeling to another
Most of the time without smooth transitions
In the moments of despair, anger, guilt
It gets tougher to control yourself
Because these spark up fast

A solution maybe a suggestion
In IT world before something goes live
There are tons of testing
User acceptance testing
Business simulation testing
Quality approval testing
And the list goes on

In these testing areas
As a duty, the operator goes wild with the tests
Goes above and beyond of healthy scenarios
Because you can never  predict all possibilities
That’s why we go monkey and slap all buttons at the same time
To see if the machine or software will go crazy
But we know by heart that this is test environment
Which means nothing is real
It’s all a big delusion
And everything will be alright once the session ends

This is what we need
A switch button for test mode
We know it’s real life so you may say
Isn’t this declining the real life facts and happenings?
Which obviously not healthy at all
At least in a well functioning society

Test mode is here to delay
Your immediate, impulsive and unhealthy responses
When someone starts pushing your buttons
Get into testing mode
Since that person is obviously slapping every button going wild
Why not see it from a perspective where their approach
Have no power over you

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