Drop out capitalist

Earning and buying at a lower class was an achievement
You could mow lawns or deliver newspapers on your bike
And within a reasonable amount of time and dedication
Your earnings would reach to something tangible
With that money you could have bought
A brand new walkman at 100 bucks
Your neighbors clapped out moped for 30 bucks
A concert ticket for 15 and 3 bucks to watch E.T. on a giant screen

We just don’t have it anymore
The shiny capitalist dream has lost it’s glamor
It’s not part of anyone’s dream now
We went full circle and came to an halt
Now living in an era where we pay monthly for a new phone
Buying a car with years of saving
Which probably won’t even last a generation of our kin

Let’s go back
This is wave that you don’t have to ride
You can head back to the beach
Change your swimsuit with dry ones
And enjoy the life with different givings

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