Jump right in

A new idea or a subject
How to get in?
There are two options
You can go around toe dipping, evaluating, looking for best practices, losing time
Being shy, nervous, overwhelmed

get this

An easy way
You can jump right in
Brash & careless
There are unique advantages at every level
You are a beginner
And at this level you can have the audacity being careless
Use it
There is nothing to save face for
Nothing to take pride in
Once in a lifetime opportunity

Close your eyes
And jump right in!

Keep it full

Full gas of tank
Tummy filled with warm food
Mug full of fresh brewed coffee
Newly changed watch battery
Stacked firewood
Pile of unread books

Feel Good Inc.
It sure is.

It feels half when it’s less. 
It feels less when it’s half.
It goes without a saying;
It feels great when it’s FULL.

Same goes for activities and calendars. 
Most will say they will love a day with no plans & expectations.
No meetings.
No “must” activities.
Plain day with nothing.
Guess what?
This is a plan itself.

A day where you block your calendar and postpone your activities for some “me time”.
At first it feels magical. Endless free time
Yet time goes fast
Days turn into weeks and months.
Nothing to do
And the more taskless you get, the more free you are.
Here comes the silence
Mental tranquility 

If not directed in a precise manner
It becomes an issue
An issue so deep it can trigger depression without the help of usual external factors
It worsens as you dive in
The main man appears
Existential questioning
It will leave you dry
Turn out your soul

Fix is easy
Mostly free
You gotta keep it full
As full as you can
Simple socialings, small groups
New ideas, some habits
At a great cost

To avoid the void

Trust the process

“Please remain seated until the seat belt sign has been turned off”

“Do not remove your mask”

“Right turn only”

Humankind is challenging.

If only it were challenging each other and present conditions so hard with an innovative force that will take us 10 years ahead in a week.

But no.

Humankind is challenging simple, common directives. 

How this relates to IQ levels is not known, yet we are all certain; the matter of education has no relation.

Most of the time directives are written in a foolproof manner. So that even a simpleton can grasp it. 

Due to the nature and phraseology of these directives some would feel they are suggestive… yet they are not. They are the most basic guidance for that certain flow to reach success with no issues. 

As a famous co-pilot have said in the past: “Do not interpret the rules, just apply it”

A vital element is missing.
Trust the process.
Trust what’s given. 
Trusting the process will also make you commit. 
It will let you stick with it.
No hesitation.
No questioning.

After all who we are going to trust if not the road sign.

Gated friendship

Starting from the childhood.
After each big event, we pass gates through time.
Gates stay the same size. Yet we grow.
After each major step, our friendship with one another gets down to this test. 
You have to get past this door. At the same time. With your friend.
It’s physically not possible for both of you to pass at the same time. And it’s not an option to go one by one.

Trick is; you have to give a little, take a little. Become one. And get through. 


You or your friend may decide to pass this door without the other.

This is where the friendships are left to die. Left at the door. because there was only space for one. At least that is what is thought. 
In younger ages both can fit because we are small. But the bigger we get, it becomes impossible.  The frame can’t support this.

And the bigger you get it, gets harder to give some from yourself, leave alone taking some from someone. Even though you have known them for years.

After the finish line

42.1 kilometers. That’s what it takes to finish a marathon. Average 4 and a half hours of running.

Full year of practice.

Morning runs, midnight runs.

Got the right shoes, slick diet. 

Pre carb load just to let you survive the next 4 hours.

Well planned hydration that won’t leave you with yellow shorts but won’t sandpaper your tongue either.

Elevated heart rate.

All good. 

Last look at your shoelaces and you are off.

You blink and time goes by. Breathe in, breathe out.

Your eyes are burning from your sweat. It’s ok. You are trained.

Last 100 meter. Smile sets on your face.

Next thing you know you are at home in a well earned hot shower.

Happiness is flowing in every cell. 

You are in the hype zone. An achiever, a go-getter. 

Sleep tight. Next few days are great.

Yet the hype is declining. A year worth of dedication. For a 5 hour run.

Earned for sure.

But what next ?

Is it done? Do you stop running now? Or do you start running much more? Maybe attend different marathons each season or month? Join the pros? Start a club? Run for charity?

What’s next?

Sometimes the occupation is the goal itself. Results are a side product. 

We always tend to increase the target, step up the game. 

Expand and develop.

Onwards and upwards!

But sometimes we just have to let it be. 

Keep it as it is. 

Keep it simple and basic. 

This is how your mind gets ease.


Millions of songs ever composed

Which to listen ?

Thousands of routes for adventure

Which to pick?

Do you still head in a direction when you realize it’s not going to take you where you wanted to be? 

Do you still listen to a song even if you are already in the middle and it’s not appealing ?

Do you still hang on to the hopes of a lost lover even though nothing will ever be the same ?

If no,

Why the hassle ?

The hassle to push on reading the book you have started with little interest that got lost in the first few chapters.


Abort at all costs.

Who cares if it was a classic or a best-seller ?

The artificial guilt you have leaving a book unfinished is better than finishing a book just to say it’s finished.

Emotional or Rational

Being emotionally driven is tough. 

And it gets tougher if you are aware to a certain level. 

A level where you can see the irrationality of your ideas. Yet you decide to stick with it because that feels right.

If you are not a robot it’s great to have a sense of emotion in your decisions.

This is what separates you from the others. 

Your emotions are nourished by your experiences and environments. 

You have seen what they haven’t. You have tasted what they didn’t.

Rational choices don’t have this. No personality, no feelings.

Just pure data driven decision making.

At the end of the day, you have to sacrifice one to another.

Emotional or rational ?

Do what feels right.

But always now where the other one rests.

Picking a target

You must always but always pick a target.

Take your time. It’s OK to be picky.

Picking a target is 50% of the job. Sticking with this target is the other 50%.

Losing your focus during the work is the 90% of the trouble.

You can cycle for 15 minutes but you can’t cycle for 30 km’s.

As an alternative you can cycle for 30 km’s but that won’t be in 15 minutes.

Having all these options will make you feel you are unbeatable. Don’t loose your target!

Pick one. Get one.

15 minutes or 30 km’s.

Now stick to it! And be sure not to get distracted. 90% trouble is after you.

Shopgirl by Steve Martin (Book & maybe a Movie Review)

Steve Martin created a dream for himself.

And he did it in a great fashion. Most people yearn for the 70’s -80’s-90’s however if you are in the yearning mode for 00’s then this book is your match. Character developments doesn’t go all the way to create depth…because it doesn’t have to.

This is not a book 1 of 8 book series. This your cozy and lighthearted weekend mood setter type of book. And judging from this perspective Steve Martin nails it. The environment and the way it is being portrayed do really take you back to the Beverly Hills of 00’s that you never been to.

Mirabelle’s easy attitude against the challenges of her own eases the reader in.

Ray Porter on the other hand gives you reason why to fight for a 7 digit paycheck and live life with no turbulence.

And the most importantly Jeremy’s evolution from ape to human gives you a clear message “If Jeremy did it, you can do it with ease! “

In general;

Book was 7 out 10.

Movie gets a 6 out 10. Go figure.

I have to highlight this is one of the rare productions where they stayed faithful to the script. Probably because Steve Martin was also playing in it…