Sink in

How fast can you adapt?
How fast can you break your chains?
How fast can you accept your environment and go for a change?

The more you are settled in your comfort zone
Harder it will get to leave this area
Think it like a giant beanbag
Bigger it gets more you will sink in
If you sink deep enough
Forget getting up
You will not even see what’s going on around you

This is what holds you back
And in your 20’s-30’s
You have a chance to get up and flex and start moving
The earlier you dive deep into your comfort zone
More you are wasting
Your opportunities, ideas, network

Get up early as possible
And don’t be afraid to stand from time to time
There will be an age where you get to sit in the biggest bean bag of all

Good be good

What are we judged with?
The way we dress
The way we talk, walk
Table manners
How we treat the waiter
How we treat out mother & father
How we treat a stray dog
How we treat ourselves

When you live up to no good
Nothing good will look up to you
With time one loses the opportunity
To be good

With time something else takes over
Not misdeed I suppose
Something far more effective
Something that will nail you
To the place you are in

There are only two on earth
That has no place for progress
One is the dead
Either in grave or somewhere else
And the other is the cheated
Who breathes and looks
But does not live and can not see

Make sure
You are not any of these two
If you are
Let’s hope that
You are the former

Finding self

I do not know
When does one find their true self?

Is it with the isolation?
No contact with a friend, no contact with outside world
No interactions nor communications
Living like a hermit in the woods?


The opposite?
When swimming in the ocean of simulations and personalities?
Running from one tree to another
Tasting every possible fruit and desire for more
Creating a self from the endless opportunities

Book Review: The Bear Went Over The Mountain

How interesting?
Same name of a book used in 3 different genres.

Let’s start with soft-core:
Children’s (babies?) book
Do babies even read? We don’t know. Because they don’t output any understandable sound which we call a language doesn’t mean they can’t read right? Anyhow, this is a kindergarten level book with 20 to 30 pages written by lots of different authors and publishers since the 90’s. Which also has a nursery rhyme dedicated to it.

Moving up:
We have a novel from William Kotzwinkle. You may think to yourself, where have I heard this name before? Let me give you a tip, he is also the author of E.T.

And with a glamorous finish:
The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
I know right. Where did that come from? This is a genuine book focused on the Soviet forces and their warfare strategies in Afghanistan.

You can buy 3 of these books and make 3 generations of households happy in single Amazon delivery.

This being said; I’ve read only one of these (for now). Which is the novel by Kotzwinkle.

A short summary would be; A bear steals a manuscript and acts as a human publishing this book, achieves amazing success always being compared to Hemingway, both in literary efforts and look-wise. With success, bear circles into the upper elite and make lots of friends. And while the bear drowns in human level comfort and achievement the original author of the book suffers in the countryside down with depression.

A flowing read that carries you throughout the book. In the middle of the book you may have had enough of unique characters entering into the book which I’ve found exhausting. Characters and their depth were rich however nearly all were for single use only. Not that it upsets me or anything, the timeline bothers me. How? Well the start of the book and development of the story goes nearly day by day, working around a 24 hour time gap. But after the 90% of the book this speeds up and reaches weekly timing. The way I see it Kotzwinkle was having a good time roleplaying with the bear and its interactions. And at a certain point he realized that this is a book, and it should be nearing the end if there isn’t going to be a sequel, which there isn’t.


Against the tide

In any topic
Where people are divided with their opinions
And believe in their opinions like no other
And defend their opinions like a castle
It makes the topic fragile
You can watch & listen
But if the opinion owners are out of alignment from objectivity
An outsider comment will be taken as an assault

If it’s a black & white area for them
Your participation will be frowned upon
They want full support and nothing more
No advice, no suggestion

This is where the constructive criticism dies
Once the receiving end of the criticism loses their common sense
Any input shared, even it’s for their own good is hated

I think this is the common issue for any sensible topic we have
For religions, gender talks, family structure…
And once it dies process comes to an halt
It causes the inevitable death of both sides
Their ideas & identities gets washed away
Only to be replaced by their successors
And with new faces same question comes up
Are you open for criticism?

Being honest

Once hit with the question
“Are you honest to yourself?”
Answers will flood in with “yes”
If you scratch the surface
And ask for details
You may receive things like;
“Well I’m fat, I can lose a couple of pounds”
“Sometimes I may be difficult to work with”
“I don’t really like my partners cat”

Thank you 
Thank you for the vanilla ice cream

Accepting something of your own is probably the 10% of the honesty you really need
Acknowledgement of simple stuff like your weight or bad habits is not the main course
The honesty every intellect needs is the soul crushing isolated thinking even it may drift one into depression from time to time
Not that it should, but it usually does

Who are you?
Why are these people your friends?
Do you really trust no one like you tell yourself?
What makes you think you are unique?
What broke your heart?

These can go for pages only if one can answer

You’ve got mail!

Let’s think our media input as an email inbox
What is directed to us is relevant
Such as emails from family & friends
Mails from your bank regarding your card payment
PDF  brochures and price quotations you have requested from a tourism agency 
All these either coming from a person you have a real life connection to
Or from an establishment only within your request and approval
In an healthy world nothing comes here without your need

Rest of the emails
Such as
Banned books in schools of Mississippi
Self-driving truck makes delivery 10 hours faster than a human
How Naomi Campbell surprised this Nigerian designer on the runway
These are considered spam emails.
Not because the topics are trash
Because they are here without our request.
We have neither interest nor demand for these.
Yet here they are.
And more sadly this is not our inbox.

This is what we do
With aimless swiping
Why they are there?
No one knows
Why am I seeing this?
No idea
We need our precision more than ever while filtering when we  put ourselves out there

It’s one big ocean and easy to drown
I’m not even talking about reliability of these things
That’s a whole different dumpster fire

Do it everyday

Up’s and down’s
Giving 100%
All the time
Every time

Until you can’t
And when you can’t give 100%
You know what counts?
Giving counts
No percentage
No high score

Still grinding
Even in your bad days
That’s what counts
Anybody can do it on their sunny day
It’s the bad days that change the mean
It’s the bad days that change the man

And at the end
The mean shows us the overview
The final result
Did we win or what?

Things we want to hear

We interact
We give
We take
That’s the deal

Raised up in a capitalist world
We like taking
More than giving

We tell a story
A happening
Something that made us
Laugh, cry or think
And while we are giving this
We aren’t open handed
Sitting there destitute

We are predators
We want something
And we are not leaving without it
That is the Reply
A custom reply that will support us
That will make us feel good
No questions to examine
Our morals or ethics

Even in the most desperate stories
We know the menu of replies by heart
We just want that specific answer
That will make us say
I knew it!
Thank you!

And know that I have received
What I wanted to hear
Would you like to
Share a story of your own?

Plush achievements

Every once in a while 
We need to cut some slack for ourselves
A day off
Binging through streaming services
A day full of gaming 
Swiping through dumpster fire social media

While these are relaxing both body and mind
It’s not always fulfilling 
At the end of the day we may look back and think
“What a waste of day”
A total couchpotato

The way I see it
There is another way to cut slack from the usual marathon

This method however, seems more “corporate”
You need a break 
But you need the fulfillment 
You need the feeling of achievement
You don’t want your casual tasks 
That’s a different menu
If you focused on them this wouldn’t differ from any other monday 
What you need is something diluted
Something soft to embrace
Something so in the middle
You will be excited for this however it will not drain your spirit

An easy, satisfying task
Clean your computer’s desktop for example
Rearrange books on shelf
Deep clean your espresso machine
Shine your shoes
Stack the wood
These are all small plush achievements
Within your comfort zone
That doesn’t require any special resources
Yet satisfy you when completed
Low hanging fruits
Soothing dopamine
Enjoy it 
Till it wears off!