Against the tide

In any topic
Where people are divided with their opinions
And believe in their opinions like no other
And defend their opinions like a castle
It makes the topic fragile
You can watch & listen
But if the opinion owners are out of alignment from objectivity
An outsider comment will be taken as an assault

If it’s a black & white area for them
Your participation will be frowned upon
They want full support and nothing more
No advice, no suggestion

This is where the constructive criticism dies
Once the receiving end of the criticism loses their common sense
Any input shared, even it’s for their own good is hated

I think this is the common issue for any sensible topic we have
For religions, gender talks, family structure…
And once it dies process comes to an halt
It causes the inevitable death of both sides
Their ideas & identities gets washed away
Only to be replaced by their successors
And with new faces same question comes up
Are you open for criticism?

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