You’ve got mail!

Let’s think our media input as an email inbox
What is directed to us is relevant
Such as emails from family & friends
Mails from your bank regarding your card payment
PDF  brochures and price quotations you have requested from a tourism agency 
All these either coming from a person you have a real life connection to
Or from an establishment only within your request and approval
In an healthy world nothing comes here without your need

Rest of the emails
Such as
Banned books in schools of Mississippi
Self-driving truck makes delivery 10 hours faster than a human
How Naomi Campbell surprised this Nigerian designer on the runway
These are considered spam emails.
Not because the topics are trash
Because they are here without our request.
We have neither interest nor demand for these.
Yet here they are.
And more sadly this is not our inbox.

This is what we do
With aimless swiping
Why they are there?
No one knows
Why am I seeing this?
No idea
We need our precision more than ever while filtering when we  put ourselves out there

It’s one big ocean and easy to drown
I’m not even talking about reliability of these things
That’s a whole different dumpster fire

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