Trust the process

“Please remain seated until the seat belt sign has been turned off”

“Do not remove your mask”

“Right turn only”

Humankind is challenging.

If only it were challenging each other and present conditions so hard with an innovative force that will take us 10 years ahead in a week.

But no.

Humankind is challenging simple, common directives. 

How this relates to IQ levels is not known, yet we are all certain; the matter of education has no relation.

Most of the time directives are written in a foolproof manner. So that even a simpleton can grasp it. 

Due to the nature and phraseology of these directives some would feel they are suggestive… yet they are not. They are the most basic guidance for that certain flow to reach success with no issues. 

As a famous co-pilot have said in the past: “Do not interpret the rules, just apply it”

A vital element is missing.
Trust the process.
Trust what’s given. 
Trusting the process will also make you commit. 
It will let you stick with it.
No hesitation.
No questioning.

After all who we are going to trust if not the road sign.

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