Gated friendship

Starting from the childhood.
After each big event, we pass gates through time.
Gates stay the same size. Yet we grow.
After each major step, our friendship with one another gets down to this test. 
You have to get past this door. At the same time. With your friend.
It’s physically not possible for both of you to pass at the same time. And it’s not an option to go one by one.

Trick is; you have to give a little, take a little. Become one. And get through. 


You or your friend may decide to pass this door without the other.

This is where the friendships are left to die. Left at the door. because there was only space for one. At least that is what is thought. 
In younger ages both can fit because we are small. But the bigger we get, it becomes impossible.  The frame can’t support this.

And the bigger you get it, gets harder to give some from yourself, leave alone taking some from someone. Even though you have known them for years.

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