Shopgirl by Steve Martin (Book & maybe a Movie Review)

Steve Martin created a dream for himself.

And he did it in a great fashion. Most people yearn for the 70’s -80’s-90’s however if you are in the yearning mode for 00’s then this book is your match. Character developments doesn’t go all the way to create depth…because it doesn’t have to.

This is not a book 1 of 8 book series. This your cozy and lighthearted weekend mood setter type of book. And judging from this perspective Steve Martin nails it. The environment and the way it is being portrayed do really take you back to the Beverly Hills of 00’s that you never been to.

Mirabelle’s easy attitude against the challenges of her own eases the reader in.

Ray Porter on the other hand gives you reason why to fight for a 7 digit paycheck and live life with no turbulence.

And the most importantly Jeremy’s evolution from ape to human gives you a clear message “If Jeremy did it, you can do it with ease! “

In general;

Book was 7 out 10.

Movie gets a 6 out 10. Go figure.

I have to highlight this is one of the rare productions where they stayed faithful to the script. Probably because Steve Martin was also playing in it…

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